Letter From The Editors

Name:  Stacey Lee Ernvall
Birthday: March 4, 1987
Born:  Muskegon, Michigan
Currently Reside in: Chicago, Illinois

Hello Everyone!

I am Stacey Ernvall originally from Muskegon, Michigan.  I moved to Chicago in 2005 to attend North Park University.  While at North Park I was very invested in campus ministry and school events.  I played four years of varsity softball, apart of chapel planning,  was a resident assistant for two-years, traveled to Thailand and Zambia with global partnerships, organized an after-school program at Holy Family Lutheran Church in Cabrini Green, and campus life.  In December of 2009 I graduated with a double degree in Elementary Education (Mathematics) and Youth Ministry.  The time I spent at North Park has been the most formational time in my life.  I have been tested in all directions and met friends that have changed my life!  God has blessed me with a community of people who desire to work through life together and I cherish our time spent thus far.

I traveled to Zambia, Africa for the first time in May of 2008.  We traveled with North Park University on behalf of Spark Ventures.  Spark Ventures is an established Not For Profit Organization that partners with Hope Ministry run by Pastor Charles Mumba.  I went to Africa with a group of 15 students and two seminary leaders.  We worked in a variety of locations from Ndola to Twapia.  We were apart of one group that assisted in building the new orphanage.  While there we also participated in a medical clinic, the feeding line at the school, and a reading program.

Since my trip in 2008, Spark and Hope along with many donors like yourself have sent four other student groups and three sponsor teams over to Zambia to work alongside our Zambian friends.  The new orphanage is completed, a new school house has been built, and a sustainable chicken farm was just launched last month!  There are great things going on both here with Spark and in Zambia with Hope Ministries and now, Sara and I are getting to go and work hand-in-hand with our friends once again.  We will be living with a host family and doing everyday life with those that we have not physically seen in a few years.  We are both super excited and looking forward to the move.  YOU ALL are just as much apart of this trip as we are and appreciate your support and love.  We ask that you will keep us in your prayers and continue to check back here for more updates throughout the many months to come!  I want to thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart!  :o)

Name: Sara Anne Blumenshine
Birthday: December 17, 1987
Hometown: Rockford, Illinois
Resides in: Chicago, Illinois

Hello family,friends, and random individuals who may just want to hear Stacey and myself write. As you may have read above, my name is Sara Blumenshine and, along with the lovely Stacey, am traveling to Zambia, Africa to live and work.

I graduated from North Park University in Chicago, Illinois in May 2010 with my B.A. in Elementary Education. It was here where I realized my passion for travel, first studying abroad in Sweden for a semester my Junior year, and then traveling to Africa through North Park and Spark Ventures over Christmas break my senior year. Both trips are ones I never would have considered without some of the most amazing friends a girl could ask for who gently pushed me towards these life-changing experiences. Along with Stacey, I am thrilled to discover what Christ has to show me in this next phase in life.

Stacey informed you what Spark and Hope are all about, so I will hold myself back from writing more than I need, which it might already be too late for. Therefore, I will end this by repeating the thanks given above. This trip would not be anywhere near possible without all of the support given by all of you. I have felt truly blessed by all of the encouragement and prayers given and am eternally grateful. Love in Christ!