Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Just Whistle While you Work!

I thought this month off of school would be a very restful one. Boy was I wrong! Just to give you a taste of how wrong I was, let me fill you in on last week.
It was Stacey and my classes preventative maintenance week, meaning our kids and us were to come to school and clean up the grounds. This term, Stacey and I decided to be a little ambitious and do more than just typical maintenance. What does that mean you ask? Oh, just tearing down a broken fence, rebuilding it, repainting the blackboards, classrooms, and baseboards, and weeding the garden just for a little extra measure. I was exhausted every night, but loved it. Also, it was just wonderful to hang out with some of my students again. George, one of my favorites, showed up, and I am happy to announce his English still knocks my socks off. We also hired someone to paint the alphabet and letters in two of the primary classrooms. If I do say so myself, they look pretty bomb diggity.
It was then all of a sudden my birthday, and Zambia/Stacey treated me good let me tell you. Good food, good friends, and lots of laughs. What more could a girl ask for? Maybe a inbox full of emails from home? Oh yeah, got that too! Sunday, Marci and Bill (an amazing missionary couple that have basically saved the holidays for me this year) invited us to a church for a carol service. If you don’t know, I LOVE singing, and Christmas carols are probably my favorite, so being without this year was starting to drain on me. Sunday helped to fill up my tank a bit. In short, Zambia has been very good to me these past few weeks.
Whelp, that’s all for now I think.
Loves to you all!
Sara Anne

1 comment:

  1. Sooo happy to hear you had a wonderful birthday! We have been thinking about you a lot as Christmas approaches. Just sent off a box of little goodies to your parents' house, they will be waiting there for you :) Keep up the great posts - we're looking forward to reading how you celebrate Christmas! Love, Sarah etc.
