Wednesday, January 4, 2012


That's right; Stacey and I finally took a holiday. Our destination was the beautiful, serene, ever so lovely Lake Malawi. Bright and early Monday, December 26th, Stacey, myself, and our two friends Kristi and Jay began our long journey. Thanks to some amazing missionary friends, The Pedersons, we were able to hitch a ride with them in Lusaka, making the 11+ hr drive much more pleasant than expected.

I won't bore you with the details, but instead let the pictures do the talking today. Every morning (even the rainy ones) were just gorgeous, the water was warm and refreshing, the sun perfect for tanning/burning me to a crisp, and outside of a life threatening snorkeling adventure (which was quite pretty until the current decided to steal my snorkel), it was an extremely relaxing and rejuvenating week.

View from our porch
Biting it while tubing :)

We are now back to school, and I am trying to cram in as many hugs and memories in before I leave. However, I still have this week left so we aren't talking about that whole ugly departure thing yet.

Loves to all,

Sara Anne

P.S. Hope received a 100% passing rate for their seventh graders' final exams. Praise Him!

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