Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dear Friends and Family:

            I am very excited to share with you’ll that I will be moving to Ndola, Zambia for a longer commitment to work with Wiphan USA.  This has been quite the process and I will be returning to America (in March) for just three weeks after doing my first round with Hope Community School throughout the last seven months.
            My time at Hope Community School was exciting and life changing.  Because they go to school all year around, I taught grade five for their last term and then moved up to grade six for their first term of the New Year.  I was left to teach on my own for two months and it was both challenging and encouraging.  I have been able to build a relationship with all 45 of my students that would not have been possible in any other situation.
            I am very sad to leave Hope School and my amazing students but so excited to be transitioning to an organization like Wiphan.  Wiphan strives to live out James 1:27 in such a realistic way!  Wiphan has two schools that care for 400 double orphans, a skill training program for 100 widows, a medical clinic, and 4 orphanages that currently house 15 children.  On top of these things, they strive to live boldly and show Jesus in everything they do.
Look at my Ruth read!!!!
            In Ndola, Zambia 86% of the population lives below the poverty line and 45% are below the age of 14.  The average life expectancy is 38 years primarily due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic as well as Malaria.  With the struggles of everyday life, we long for all who come in contact with Wiphan to be able to encounter the Lord and the hope HE has promised to us!
(Check out for more information)
            When full time with Wiphan, I will specifically be working with several different programs such as: working hand in hand with all our teachers through organizing curriculum and programming, working with the sponsorship program, and I will also be running a follow-up program for our children who have pass their National Exams.  A small group of us have also started a not for profit called ZAMTeach.  I will be heading up ZAMTeach with another American girl named Kristin, as we strive to encourage, equip, and develop the skills of teachers all over Ndola.  These workshops are open to any school in the city and run every few months.
            With all this said, I am extremely excited to be going back to do life with these people.  We have high hopes and great expectation for what God is going to do through us in the next leg of this journey.  I would love your support and partnership in this project, if not financially, through prayer and encouragement.  If you feel in a place to financially give, you can do so online at: (one time donation) and (to support monthly).  Please make sure you put Stacey Ernvall in the memo line and all donations are tax deductible.  My total support needed is $1200 a month for the duration of my time in Zambia.

Thank You For Your Love and Support!

Do Someone Say 10 DAYS...

My my how times is flying.  For some reason I feel like it is going even faster now that I only have 10 days left.  The last couple of weeks have been so busy with Ms. Hannah Moore coming back from Wales and the events with Hope.  The last two Sunday's I preached at Hope and it went well.  I realized that I enjoy the prep time of preparing a sermon as long as I have nothing else to do! haha.
Zambia WINS... Zambia WINS!
On top of that excited, Zambia brought back the Africa Cup for Soccer.  We had celebrated all day and all night for a day or two and that was an experience in itself!  Last weekend Kristin and I ran ZAMTeach's second training for the teachers on Ndola.  It was hard to do with just the two of us but we managed.  We had a decent turn out and we taught on Subject Specifications: English (Phonics) and Math and then Kristin did a section on Classroom Management!  Kristin sent Hope back with some dry erase boards and copies and the kids LOVE THEM!  They stay after... or ask if they can stay after and do work with them everyday!  THANK YOU KRISTIN!

This next week we have sponsors and a board member from Wiphan USA coming.  I am excited to meet with them and get to know them a little better.  This last week I will be celebrating my time with Hope and enjoying the last few days with my class!  They have been singing me a good-bye song the last few days and I am not sure if they are just practicing or if they are ready for me to go! haha.  They are great thought!

The boys got to erase the board and then they dusted their faces!  Silly Boys!