Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It has Just Begun!

Bemba Lesson One:  Mulishani (Hello, How are you?)
                                  Bwino  (Fine, doing well)

     My flight here was sooooooo great!  I got on the plane in Chicago and sat next to a woman named Cindy.  She was from Washington D.C. and was intrigued by the book I was reading.  We began talking about the book "Heaven is for real" and the conversation carried the whole plane ride.  She wished me well and we exchanged information!  Then I boarded in D.C. and sat next to a woman and her two-year-old who were from Gambia.  She loved American and Americans and told me all about her vacation in the States and how she would love to move there.  Once we stopped in Senegal, I had a whole row of four seats to myself but invited this nice woman from Texas to come join me.  She was originally from Durban, South Africa and her and her son were heading back to visit family.  She showed me how to eat our certain plane food, chicken salad crepes and this special salad.  She shared a lot of her story with me and told me a lot about her nursing job in the States.  Once arriving in South Africa I meet up with Ann Courtney.  Hannah Covert connected me with her through her son Paul, who currently lives in Chicago.  She was super gracious and so nice, especially when my luggage weighed 200 lbs and we had to travel to her car!  :o)  That night we went home to her house where I cleaned up and then off to this beautiful mall we went.  She showed me around Joburg and then we went to dinner with her son Daniel and his wife Megan as well as their two young children Jude and Bailey.  THEY ARE SO GREAT!  We had Greek food and then went back to their house for tea and coffee.  Saturday morning we woke up early to go have breakfast with Paul's sister and then board my last flight.  The flight was quick and I met a girl named Kristen who is from South Carolina and living in Ndola.  She is here until December working with another organization and so we swapped information and are working on connecting this weekend.  It was really exciting to see how God placed people in my path and how not having movies on my horribly long flights could actually turn out good. haha.  
     So, today is my third full day here is Zambia and we are coming up onto Sara's second month!  When I arrived on Saturday, I was greeted with such a warm welcome!  It was so fun to finally be here and be with my "family".  We spent most of the day at the house hanging out with Mama Sylvia, Savour, Marvin, and Humphrey.  We had a family dinner and then a SERIOUS dance party!  ha.  Sunday we got up early and headed off to church.  I was welcomed by the kids at Hope House and the teachers from the school.  We tried hard to prepare ourselves as school was starting the next day.
     Today was our second full day of school.  I am in 5th grade and Sara is in 6th grade.  I am realizing more than ever how hard the language barrier is.  The toughest part for us has been relating to people and expressing our idea's and confusion.  In school I have been teaching Math and English and Sara is teaching English and Social Studies.  We have taken on a bit of a role at the school and trying to navigate what that will look like long term.  Sara and I will be running a reading program starting next week for the school and so much of our time has been spent on planning that out.  Monday-Wednesday we will have all grades and then on Thursdays we will be doing teacher trainings.  Currently, we have two students here from Stanford doing research and they have been an easy go to point.  It seems easier to transition when you are not the only one transitioning... you know?  :o)
     So far, things have been a bit overwhelming and seeming a little crazy.  Expectations that I thought I didn't have, have certainly come out and been altered and emotions have seen all areas.  We are so happy to be here though and I know God has big things in store for us.  I trust His plan will be accomplished even though I am not sure exactly what that is at this point!  Sara and I ask that you would keep us in your prayers and if you feel the need, we would love to hear from you via here, email, or snail mail!

Much Love!  SLE

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you Stace. Sounds like you are ajusting well. I am glad your flight turned out as well as it did after the initial layover!! It was great to Skype with you on Tues.Eric was in a great mood the rest of the day after he was able to see his sister!! We will be getting an international calling card this weekend and figure out a time to call you. We will talk to you soon!!
    Love You Lots,
