Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is it the 25th yet?

HEY EVERYONE  (Even Sara):
     Man how time is ticking, but not quite ticking fast enough.  I have had a great few months preparing for Zambia but now it is just time!  I am so grateful for the many of you that have financially supported my trip and prayerfully committed to supporting our trip!  The count down is on...  19 DAYS!  Today is officially my last actual day in Chicago!  I am packing and heading to Michigan tomorrow afternoon and then the days get even busier than before!  I am feeling so many emotions at this point it is hard to distinguish what is real, what is in the moment, what is God, what is nerves, or what is genuine freak/worry!  ha.  Thursday I was able to meet with Sue Braun (Sue works at University Ministries, North Park University) and she was very gracious and helpful about all of those emotions.  Today is a good day!  I am very excited and through my conversation with Sue, I have been able to label many of those above emotions.  I have been able to see the point of reference and understand it better.
     I am SO EXCITED to read through Sara's blogs and it makes me even more ready to go!  Thank you all so much for all you have done and the journey has already begun but will get even better in 19 DAYS!
     Chicago folks, I will be back in the city the 12-14 with my brother Eric and then again on the 22nd of August till I leave on the 25th!  I would love to see you before I go!  Love you guys and Sara, hope your well.  Give our family love for me!  See you soon girl!  :o)

Love, SLE

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