Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hospital Trip...

So we took our first and hopefully last visit to the hospital on Friday.  Our precious Joanna has been sick on and off and this last week has been the worst.  Joanna, for those who don’t know this name, is in Sara’s class.  She is a six-grade student who also lives at the Hope House Orphanage.  This seems like it is out of nowhere because last Friday we had a girls night with her and she seemed just fine. A few days later she began complaining about sharp pain in her chest and just not feeling well.  On Friday morning around 8:00am, Mama Maureen took Joanna to the clinic and then she was transferred to the hospital. 
At the end of our school day we were told that Joanna was taken to the hospital for them to run tests because she was not feeling well enough to eat and in very serious pain.  We went right after school to visit her at the Children’s Hospital.  When we got to the hospital around 3:00pm, Joanna was still waiting for her blood test results.  She was lying on a table in a large room with multiple other kids all getting looked at as well.  We were not able to go see her right away but could peak at her through the doorway.  Shortly after arriving her blood test results came back normal and so they admitted her overnight because they were not able to figure out what was causing this horrible pain and struggle.  Mama Maureen, Mambwe, Sara, and myself escorted Joanna up two flights stairs to her room assignment.  We let her get settled in and then Mama Maureen came and got us to come see her.
When we first entered the room, the first thing that caught my eye was the fact that Joanna was placed in a room with six beds all lining the walls.  When I say beds, I really mean oversized cribs.  There were currently two other children in her room and not much space for anything else.  There were a few chairs but not enough to cover one for every bed.  As Sara and I walked toward Joanna, she started crying.  It was such a sad moment and it took every ounce of my strength not to cry!  I am not going to lie; I was really scared when going to the hospital to visit.  I have a tendency to struggle in believing that healing is possible so I was nervous to go because a lack of faith and joy is the last thing they needed at the hospital.  After a few moments we told Joanna not to cry because she was going to be all right!  As Joanna lay scrunched in a ball with her IV hand raised over her head, we proceeded to ask if they needed anything.  We didn’t really know what to do or what to say, like we really needed to do either but…  you always want to, you know?  You want to fix the situation or make it easier in some way even when you know it is not possible.  So, I gave Joanna a kiss on her cheek and whispered to her, “Stay positive; you are going to be just fine; we are going to go get a few things for mama but we will be right back, ok?” In return Joanna shook her head and I told her I loved her and we left.
For a quick moment, I felt like Joanna was my child and I just wanted to sit next to her bed all night.  I fell into mom mode like I have seen done so many times before by my own mother while spending time in the hospital.  I wanted to ask the doctors what the hold up was and what their next plans were.  I wanted to know why people were just standing around and not giving us information and then I needed to stop and acknowledge a few things.  I had to remind myself that I am simply a visitor who loves this little girl; I needed to remind myself that I am not in the USA and that things are done differently here; I needed to remind myself that they may be doing all they can and there are other children here just as sick or even more sick.   We went to the next little village and picked up some bread, juice, fries, and AppleMax for Mama Maureen and brought it back to them.  When we got back to the room, Joanna was lying on her back and looking a little better.  We handed off the food and said our good-byes.
While on our way home Mambwe was asking us questions about how the hospital is different than the ones in the USA and he showed us the holding area for parents.  Outside there are two little places that look like a bus waiting area where the parents can spend the night.  Because each room has so many children in it, the parents are not allowed to stay at their bedside unless they are very serious (deadly) and so they stay outside on these little benches.  All the men stay in one area and all the women stay in another.  This was shocking to me because there is no way that I would be staying overnight in the hospital without someone with me, and that is just the truth! Ha.  I am a wimp when it comes to things like this and so we continued talking about what hospitals are like in the States.  He was wondering what nurses and doctors wear and how they are run.
Once we were dropped at home, I couldn’t help but think about the hospital and Joanna all night!  I tried to think about something else but it was just not working.  I decided it was a good opportunity for me to turn to God and figure out how to trust in what I told Joanna because I did feel confident that she would be all right.  So I began reading all the accounts of how Jesus healed people in the New Testament.  I read through a few Psalms where people were praising God and God was identifying His strength.  Then I came across Psalm 41:1-3 says, “The Lord rescues them when they are in trouble.  The Lord protects them and keeps them alive.  He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies.  The Lord nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health!”  Then I read Proverbs 17:22 that says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a persons strength.” Then finally in 2 Corinthians 12 it talks about our weakness and how in our weakness the Lord is made strong.  With His help we will be healed and made perfect! 
Now, Saturday morning I received a phone call from Mama Maureen stating that Joanna was released from the hospital but they are not sure what the problem is.  Joanna said she is physically feeling better but they have not found out the cause of her pain.  She was taken home where she will rest and be taken back to the hospital on Monday for more tests as long as she continues to feel ok.
Thank you all so SO much for your prayers and support.  I am grateful just as I know that Joanna and they rest of our family here is very grateful.  I ask that you continue to pray for her though.  It is not the best feeling to be physically better but not know where the problem is or when it will come back!  I will keep you all posted.  Thanks again!  Love you!  SLE

UPDATE- Sunday:  Joanna was brought back to the hospital and is currently admitted.  She phoned today and said she was feeling a little better but she will stay at the hospital again overnight where they will run more tests again tomorrow!  PLEASE continue to pray for her!

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