Friday, October 21, 2011

I'm a freak!

It has been awhile since I wrote, sorry about that. I find it is sometimes hard for me to put what I want  down in words, or I think I have what I want to write down, and then I find myself babbling nonsensically and writing in long, run-on sentences(as I am currently doing). ANYWAYS, let’s give this whole blogging thing another go…
I have been freaking out recently. Why you ask? Because the end of the school term is right around the bend. Now, am I freaking out because I don’t have tests written? No, that doesn’t really worry me. Do I feel like my kids won’t be able to handle the work? Not at all, I have full confidence in their abilities to ace whatever I throw at them. What then has me so anxious recently? I am freaking out because I just want more time. I love my class and basically just do not feel ready to be done with them. I feel like a crazy person saying that. What teacher wants school to last LONGER?! I thought I was supposed to be ticking off the day’s right now, anxiously awaiting what, for them, is comparable to our summer break. But I am not. Instead, I am holding onto to every minute I have with them, trying to relax and soak it all in like everyone keeps advising me to and I am failing miserably at doing. However, if you don’t mind, I would like to give you an example of a moment that I think will forever be engrained in my memory.
Tuesday starts the seventh grade exams. Now these puppies are a HUGE deal. These exams basically determine whether or not a student gets to pass onto higher education. It is an even bigger deal for Hope than other schools because it is the first year we get to be an examination center. That being said, school was slightly chaotic today. It is the last normal day of school for the seventh graders so they were simply stoked, desks were getting moved all around in preparation, oh, and Teacher Judy was at a funeral so I was all alone. Needless to say, I was a little hesitant walking into today, but there was no need as my class was a gem. And we were tackling some difficult subjects today. I mean, students don’t understand Idioms in the States, and English is their native tongue! Anyways, the moment…… As school was finishing up today, Stacey and I were trying to get a game of tag together for P.E. This failed, but, sorry Stac, I actually am kinda glad it did because that meant I was able to go back under the tree with my class for a little extra learning (I was kicked out of my classroom due to testing and therefore taught under a tree for a good hour and a half today). After ‘Around the World’, my favorite math game, I decided to try reading a few books to my class. I loved it and they completely amazed me. By now, most of the younger classes were letting out and playing on the grounds, but my kids just continued to listen to me read. It was such a calming moment. After finishing book #1, I gave my students the option of taking a little nap, breaking a few minutes early to play, or continuing to listen to me read. Not one student left. That just doesn’t happen in the States. You tell a class they have the option to listen to you read or go run and play, they run and play. Here, I didn’t even have to shush a student. Not because some didn’t talk, but because another one of my students would bonk him or her over the head so they could hear what I was reading better. Hehe. This is why I came to Zambia. It can be hard sometimes and I can lose focus, and I am so grateful for my class to bring me back where I should be.
On a fairly unrelated note, I want to send a thank-you to everyone who made my very VERY short trip home for the wedding so wonderful. I am so blessed to have been given the family and friends I have. You guys filled me up more than I can express and, actually, made it much harder for me to return than I thought it would be. Thank you for all of the prayers and well-wishes. Thank you for the coffee dates, late night chats, deep conversations in cars, make-up adventures, apple-cider donuts, quick luncheons, and crazy dances. Thank you for the words of wisdom, comfort¸ and sometimes just plain silliness. You are all amazing. I wish I could bring you all here with me. Seriously, if there was a way I could be in Illinois and Zambia at the same time I would probably do it.
Loves to you all!
Sara Anne

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