Friday, November 4, 2011

BuSy BeAvErS!.!.!

Just when it seems like things are slowing down and becoming an everyday routine, life catches you by surprise!  Things here have been so great but so crazy!  I have told many of you individually that I met some really awesome girls here. 

One, Kristin Barringer, I met on the airplane on my way over here back in August.  She is working with another organization called Wiphan USA.  Through her I was connected to a few other girls from the UK and Canada.  I have joined their accountability group on Monday nights and it has been so awesome!  They are really great women of God and so much fun.  Last weekend we all went to this dance party at a friend’s house.  They set up a floor in their backyard and we just danced the night away while networking and connecting with tons of other people who are here in Zambia working on some project.  During the day on Saturday, we went out to this farm past the Village of Twapia where we work.  This family owns the farm from Indiana who were missionaries in Zambia through the church, but now run a farm.  On the farm they have chickens, vegetables, cows, and bananas.  David, one of our new friends, he showed us around the farm and let us greet his snakes and cow skins.  It was NUTS!  We went swimming in their lake and had some lunch.

On Sunday it was extremely hot here and so we went to church with Kristin and Hannah (a friend from Wales) and then back to Hannah’s house to swim and lay by the pool.  For a large chunk of the day, I though I was relaxing in Florida or maybe even the Caribbean...  Never been there but I would imagine that is what it is like!  ;o)

On Monday we spent another great day working at Wiphan!  Our seventh grade students were still writing tests and so we went to Wiphan and did some work at the school.  It was great fun to hangout with Kristin and see how other schools run and function!  On Monday night, we met at this restaurant called Mint Café, which their motto is: Inspired By Nature!  They have American food and the best Mint Chocolate Milkshake I have everrrrr had!  Five of us met right away to discuss a teacher training that we are going to run for teachers all over Ndola at the end of the month and then our accountability group met.  It is just a great end to a great day!

Prayer Request:

1.     ****  You can be praying for this teacher training that we are starting.  We are putting up flyers and sending letters to schools to invite them.  Hopefully it will be helpful and we will have a large number turn out.
2.     ****  You can be praying for our students, as they get ready to take their final exams.
3.     ****  If you can be praying for my Uncle Jack.  He just had surgery where they removed a softball size tumor from his colon and he is building up strength for tests and chemotherapy soon.  We pray for healing and good health!
           ****  Sara and I are applying for new Visa's and Permits so please PRAY that it goes smoothly and I don't have to leave the country!  It is all in the hands of the person I get on Monday!  Urgh...   

                                        LOVE SLE

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