Friday, November 4, 2011

God is good, All the time, and all the time....

      On her flight to Africa months ago, Stacey met a girl named Kristin from Alabama who is working with an organization called Wiphan Care, and thanks to that connection we were able to hang out with multiple people from Canada, the U.K., all over the States and beyond last weekend. It was such a blessing. On top of just having some good ole’ fun swimming, dancing, exploring a farm, laughing, and openly talking about our observations on “interesting” things here in Zambia, God simply amazed me through these interactions. I met young people from all over doing God’s work and they humbled me like no other. No offense, but when I picture missionaries, I tend to NOT picture young women and men who are quite real, sarcastic, open, and yet still on fire for God. They challenge me to become more than what I am just by being who they are.
    On top of that, Kristin lent me some “light” reading. I have only gotten through the forward (written by Shane Claiborne who I now need to read more of), and the first chapter, and already its already drawing me to action….or at least trying to. The book is Make Poverty Personal. I recommend not reading a book like this if you like having an excess of money. Hehe. It hurts my heart a little bit reading it, because I like clothes, and shoes, and basically living comfortably. I’ll admit is fairly easy to follow this book while here. I mean, what am I going to spend except maybe a dollar on a bushel of bananas? Upon coming home, however, that is where the real struggle starts. Anyways, long story short, I love my Lord. Even though sometimes I don’t want it, He is showing me new things, pushing me to stretch my comfort zone, and placing just amazing people in my life to help me along the way.
If you care to read, below is an excerpt from my personal journal (journaling is a new thing for me here, I like it though), as well as one from the aforementioned book that just struck home.

Loves to all!
Sara Anne

Journal excerpt on 10.31.2011: God is soooo GOOD! I am so amazed by these women of God that have been placed in my life here in Zambia. I was seriously worried about my 2nd three months here after my brief stint home for Grace’s wedding, but God just showed me again that I need not worry because He has my life in His hands. Time and time again here He has shown me how real and present He is. We (definitely including myself here) are so cynical in the West. We just need to stop over-analyzing and micro-organizing and just let God work.

Taken from Make Poverty Personal­ “…. If our faith does not bring justice flowing like a river, then we should cease the clamor of all of our religious festivals and gatherings and songs, for they are noise in God’s ears” Amos 5:21-24

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