Friday, September 2, 2011

1st Full Week as real TEACHERS!

Today is Friday!  PRAISE THE LORD!  haha....

Bemba Lesson Two:
Tukamonana mailo (to-ka-monana milo)- See you Tomorrow
Twalamonana (twalay-monana)- See you later

Today ends out the first full week as real teachers here in Zambia.  This week has brought on more than I could have expected.  After this week, I believe I can conqueror the world!  ha.  A little exaggerated of course but kind of true.  It has been a crazy week and I cannot tell you how thankful I am for all the messages and times I have been able to talk to many of you.  I was able to skype with Jaime Woods and my brother this week as well as have a reasonable lengthy conversation with many of you.  I will have to say that most weeks will probably not be like this.  This week was very busy but we were able to plan our own schedules so...  don't put an expectation on this!  ;o)

This week... where to begin.  The elections are going on as Sara told us about before.  It is really funny to hear all the people chanting and talking about the elections.  I don't really understand much about them other than the phrase we were told to learn "don't Kubaba" which means take everything they offer you but don't tell them you are voting for the other guy! haha.  People here.... so funny.  So yeah, you hear that all day everyday.  Other wise, it is really crazy around here in the sense of us being so popular (not really).  People just stare at us and when we come to the village or leave the village for school the kids run to us or want to touch our hands or invite us for food.  It is almost like we are famous.  It is kind of funny to literally be the only or very very few "white", not even American, just white people here.  It makes for an interesting day and has evoked good conversation with our family about what people say or think about them when they are seen with us.  Marvin kind of enjoys it because he gets a lot of attention! haha.

School this week has gotten a lot better.  It just takes time as many of you have relayed to me and I appreciate that.  I am now teaching English, Math, and Art/P.E.  Today we did relay races where I introduced the wheel barrel race and it was SO FUN!  The girls were wheel barreling in their dresses! haha...  only in my class.  Interesting enough, I am struggling the most with English.  It is hard to teach kids, who are older, the basics of English and reading because I don't remember ever learning the basics. We have been playing a lot of games and doing a lot of spelling.  Here they have a few English books (textbooks) but they don't actually teach English.  The textbooks here only give stories at which we use for other subjects; for example next week in the English book we will be doing the sky and solar system.  Hopefully we will gain some knowledge as Sara and I press into the fundamentals of English and we will get a new wind of what to teach.  Otherwise, school has been good.  The days fly by once we get going, it is just getting started!

Finally, I got sick today and that sucked!  After getting sick we saw a HUGE snake just outside of school.  I think I have now covered all grounds though.  I think the testing process is over and now I am ready to officially become a Zambian and get on schedule.  :o) When you're sick are the days you realize how much you take your MOM for granted!  It is no fun getting sick and having to clean IT up and clean yourself up all by yourself! ha.  I think I have gotten the bucket showers down as well.  I can make it in and out within 15 minutes and have minimal water on the floor unlike the first day.  We pretty much had a swimming pool in our bathroom the first day!  I was a hot mess...  but again, it all comes in time, right?!  Well, I should be going as our brother and sister are going to take us out on the town tonight!  Sara and I have to finish our work and then go get ready for our big night! ha.  Hope all is well in the States and know that we have appreciated hearing from you all.  Keep it coming!  Much Love from Ndola!  Teacher Stacey, Out! ;o)

 Sara, Stacey, and our sister Savour

Me and My momma! Love you!

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