Thursday, August 8, 2013

I'm a Bruin!

This week has been such a crazy week.  We are beginning to wind down our time in the classroom at National-Louis and we will soon be stepping into our own classrooms as teachers!  Paper after paper after proposal after proposal...  things are coming due left and right!  Presentations are being prepared for and the excitement is beginning to stir up amongst the classes.

This week becomes even more crazy because last week Wednesday I left Chicago and headed to Seattle.  One of my best friends Kara was getting married and I was in the wedding.  I flew out to spend some time with her because 1) it has been over six months since I had seen her (because I was in Africa) and 2) there were a lot of last minute things to get done and organize for the wedding.  It was so great to see her and spend good quality time with her family.  They are so wonderful and they showed us a great time both in North Bend and in Seattle.  Then on Sunday we participated in the wedding; on Monday I spent time in Seattle with my friend G.G. Flint; and then flew back to Chicago, arriving super late Monday night.  Upon arrival in Chicago I got a text from a classmate Nicki saying that our school placements were finally posted.  I began to freak out and to calm the anxiety because I still had to take the train all the way home before being able to open my email, Nicki just text me my placement and co-resident.

I am happy to say that I got my number one choice school and in just two short weeks I will begin teaching 7th grade mathematics with Faith Peddie at


I am so excited to get started and dig into what Bradwell and AUSL have for us.  I feel honored and excited that I will be working with MRC Jency Kanichirayil as she was the one who interviewed my back in the day and has now chosen me to be on her staff.  With that, I feel so ready and excited that I don't want to wait any longer!  I know it is going to be a lot of work and I am expecting to get my butt kicked a few times if not more than a few times, but it needs to happen sooner or later.  I am excited to learn and grow as a teacher for whatever the future holds.  I have enjoyed class so far, and I am not excited about going to online classes, but...  I am ready to be interacting with students, parents, and staff.  I don't know if I am going to LOVE 7th grade but that is why we are in it and working it out with the help of our mentors and coaches.  One thing I really wish I could do was coach.  I know that time will hopefully come sooner or later, but I wish that time was now!  I will have to free up my schedule a bit to go and watch some games and cheer on My BRUINS!  So... with all that to say, you may be hearing more and more about Bradwell in future blogs and/or how hard life may get!  Through it all, I am hoping to keep the bigger picture in mind and remember that I am human!  Good days and bad days are going to come and that is NORMAL, A OK!  I, along with my other residents, need to stay focused and working hard, and we will be just fine!  Let's Do This!

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