Sunday, August 25, 2013

Life is a Math Equation

"Life is like a math equation.  In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives."  
- Unknown Author

Week one has come and gone.  All the emotion, excitement, and nerves about meeting our mentors, working more closely with our MRC, being introduced to the teaching and administration staff at our new school, a new building, what should I wear, how should my hair be, what should I pack for lunch, how long will my commute be, who is going to be my go to person, should I bring anything like my computer and notebooks, what happens if I am late, will they like me...  has come and GONE!  NOT!  It's Sunday and week two is about to begin.  As I sit here running through all these questions with a little spin on them, the nerves, excitement, joy, and emotion all come back.  This week is a big week.  It is one thing to meet your mentor and enter a new school with new people, but it is a whole different world to mix students into the equation.

Last week went better than I could have imagined.  I walked up to Bradwell School of Excellence on Monday August 19th, 2013 at 7:45am with so much excitement that I forgot to lock my car doors, forgot my lunch in my smoking hot car, and was locked out of the building without knowing how to get in!  Luckily for me, another car pulled into the parking lot along with me and as I began to panic and I noticed the other teacher walking toward me.  In order to hold it together, I acted as though I needed to tie my shoe until she got to the platform.  I then stepped to the side so that she could lead the way.  She pushed the intercom button and "DING" the door was unlocked and in we went!  SUCCESS!  I took a walk around the school, found my classroom, and noticed that the door was closed with the lights off.  I decided to take advantage of the time so I went in and got situated.  I sat in the front corner of the classroom, unpacked my bag, and observed what was around.  As I read through the posters hanging in the room, skimmed through the schedule, and noticed the set up of the classroom, MY Classroom, I was overcome with joy.  Shortly after Ms. Faith Peddie entered our 7th grade Mathematics classroom and introduced herself.  We had a little time to get to know each other before getting down to business.

The week was full!  Erica, my co-resident, and I spent countless hours making signs, labels, and bulletin boards.  We cleaned, organized the library, and attended meeting after meeting where we were flooded with information.  Day in and day out we met new people who worked, served, or whose child attended Bradwell and it was about all my mind could take to try and remember the name and the face of these lovely people.  As Friday came around, it definitely got easier.  The room was becoming more and more put together and the information/data was beginning to make more sense rather than simply a jumbled mess in my brain.  As we left the building on Friday, I couldn't help but reflect back to Monday and how much progress had been made.  I am beginning to feel at home at Bradwell and I am beginning to build relationships with a new family that I really care about!  SUCCESS!

As I sit here and process the same emotions but about meeting our new students tomorrow, I am captivated by nerves but so thrilled to begin.  I am happy to be given the opportunity through AUSL to begin this program and actually get to put my knowledge into practice!  I am overjoyed to get to put faces with names and so very excited to begin a new year as staff at Bradwell School of Excellence.  I have high hopes for this year and I am expecting great things out of myself as well as our staff and students.  I know it is going to be a challenge and that we will have to overcome some big obstacles throughout the year, as we already have within this last week, but as I get to know the people on my staff, I know how able and awesome they are!  I have so much faith in our Bruin Family that worry is not even an option!  So... as Ms. Hampton likes to say, let's "turn up!"


  1. Stacey,
    I couldn't agree more that last week was a BIG week, but this is also a HUGE week!! I think it is hilarious and in true Stacey fashion that you would pretend to tie your shoe to be conspicuous. I am glad that you feel comfortable in your classroom/school! It is crazy how much can get done in the span of one week!! I'm sure your first day went great (did it?) and it's great that you have such high expectations because that will show through to your students! Have a fantastic year & I know you'll do fantastic, and it sounds like you have a great support system for when things aren't going perfect! :)

    1. THANKS girl! The first two weeks are not what I expected but are going really well!
