Sunday, August 18, 2013

Online vs. Face-to-Face

This past week was the last of our face-to-face classes at National-Louis.  We are not officially done with the term until September 1 but I am pretty much finished other than my Issue Paper which we have not gotten the corrections back.  Once that comes back, I can pound it out and be FINISHED with term one of my Master's!

After this term, we move to classes online.  I really hate online classes and I am not sure if it is simply because I had an awful experience with one before or if it is a legit dislike of mine.  When in undergrad I took a Statistics class online and it was extremely difficult.  I really enjoy being in a classroom with other students and teachers and I know I get more out of discussion and interaction than reading material and tests.  When it comes to school, I am not an independent, self-motivator type of person.  If I know that the teacher is not going to check it or actually care whether or not I do something, I often times do not do it.  I know that sounds bad but the reality is simply that I have a lot of work to do or a lot of opportunity every single day to do things that I feel would benefit me and that I actually enjoy and therefore I quickly resort to that.  Therefore I am a little worried that I will struggle the next few terms because everything is online.  We will be meeting on Friday's, but to my knowledge, that is more to check in and see how everyone is doing.  So what do you think?  How do online classes compare to traditional, present in school classes?  Do you feel that there is a benefit of one over the other?  What do you like?

Starting tomorrow we begin working at the schools, for me... Bradwell School of Excellence.  I have such a mix of emotions!  I am so excited and ready to start but at the same time I feel very nervous and not quite prepared to begin.  It helped a little bit that on Friday Nicki, Erica, and I went to Bradwell for the Welcome Back BBQ.  We met the principal, assistant principals, football coach, students, and other staff.  It was fun to be there and simply be able to observe the community and school interact.  This week has been a rough week for the South Shore and Bradwell community.  Two people were killed both Sunday and Tuesday and then our school was broken into on two different occasions.  I am interested to see what the school is like tomorrow after the week we have had.  I am really excited to take all the nervous I have built up and all the questions I have hoarded over the last few months and get answers.  I am super excited to meet our students and see how this all manifests itself and plays out. I can see myself becoming a great teacher and I hope that is not just a dream, but a reality.

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